
Advanced Materials paper

We are happy to share our new paper out in Advanced Materials on a doped semiconductor-based approach to gradient ENZ materials that can exhibit remarkable control of their spectral and directional emissivity:

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Phys Rev Applied Paper

We have a new paper out in Phys Rev Applied on a temporal coupled-mode theory for thermal emission that can handle multiple arbitrarily-coupled resonators and their influence on emitted thermal radiation:

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New paper out in Joule!

We are excited to share our new article in Joule on a new passive approach to desalination: radiative cooling-driven freezing desalination (click on the text to the left to view the article).

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We are happy to share that we’ve received a NSF CAREER grant to pursue the dynamic photonic control of thermal emission. Many thanks to NSF, and all lab members for their support and work on this topic.

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New papers in Nano Letters

We have two new papers in Nano Letters in collaboration with the Bargatin and Jariwala groups: (led by John Brewer from our group) and (led by Matthew Campbell with the Bargatin group). Funded by the Breakthrough Starshot initiative.

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DARPA Young Faculty Award

We are grateful and excited to work on an exciting new research direction in electroluminescent cooling with DARPA support over the next few years. More information here:

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Paper out in Advanced Optical Materials!

Congratulations to lead author Chris Yeung and the rest of the machine learning team on our new paper in Advanced Optical Materials on a generative deep learning-based approach to multi-photonics-structure class inverse design:

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Paper out in Nanophotonics

We have a new publication in Nanophotonics entitled “Multiplexed supercell metasurface design and optimization with tandem residual networks” – available here. Congratulations to the whole team!

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